Thursday, June 13, 2013


So today I will be reviewing the movie Sinister.
Let me first off tell you that it is very hard to scare me as I have seen many, many, many horror, thriller, slasher, torture movies.
Now if you think that means I am about to admit I was scared during this movie, you are WRONG.
This movie was NOT scary!
I will say that there were some very interesting parts with one or two jump scares at most though.

For example:
My favorite parts were all the same type - the serial murders.
I will gladly admit that this was the best part of the movie.
Sadly, I could not find the other clips of the serial killings in the movie, but since they all are shown at the relatively same time, I will tell you my two favorites:
-The tree hanging as seen above
-The pool drowning as I will now describe how they died. Take one pool chair, duct tape one person on the chair, attach one cinderblock to the bottom, pull chair into pool using rope.

They were creative, weird, and creepy...
but not scary since it happened kind of slowly.

Now I feel like I need to explain myself because I said I wasn't scared.
Here are some of the reasons why:

I swear if I see the main character (his name was Ellison or something...)
Change your clothes!

I'm not sure how he magically knows how to set up the films, but okay.
Also, he keeps seeing this demonic thing on camera, but he is NOT freaking out enough. If I saw a creepy person (mask or not) standing on the bottom of a pool without floating up or breathing, I WOULD RUN AND TELL SOMEONE OR RUN IN GENERAL!

I cannot take any movie villain seriously if their name reminds me of any baked good.

BAGUL (scary deity creature)
BAGEL (delicious baked good)

Anytime they had set it set up for a jump scare or anything near that...
they stopped it.
For example...
SPOILER ALERT! (kind of)
While he's wandering around the halls because he hears a noise, there are these amazingly creepy little children who show up randomly in the shadows and show their face near his...
but of course, he NEVER sees them even though they are obviously in his peripherals.
And this would be an AMAZING place for him to just turn around and see one of them...
but no.
And the children don't "disappear" at all either...
every time, he turns around because of a "sound" or "feeling" (they never show/tell really...) the children do the scariest shit ever!
._. That's it. He hardly ever ACTUALLY sees them... I think once or twice maybe. Although the audience sees them all like five times collectively.

Main Problem
My main problem with the movie wasn't the plot or the characters or the setting or any of that really...
it was a mixture of two things:

-The hype that went with this movie that made it seem so amazing and scary and creepy and AHHHH! when in reality, it was slow-to-start (fine with that) with meh results that left me more bored than anything. The other two people watching the movie with me fell asleep after the first half hour because they were bored (and it was like 2 AM, but we've gone later before so it isn't that).

-The other main problem was that they had SOOOOO much they could've done with this movie that they didn't. There were many, many times I was hoping that "Mister Boogie" would show up, but he didn't. He actually had a very small part in the entire movie (unless you count his pictures pinned up on a board as an appearance each time the character looks at them). The kids were mildly creepy, but Mister Boogie was by far creepier. I think it should've focused a bit MORE on him because HE was the creepy factor in the whole movie!

Small Saving Grace
I did enjoy these things though:

-I thought the serial family murders were delightfully evil and well-done. I enjoyed each and every one, including the lawn mower one because her face flying out of nowhere about to get run over did make me jump a little and then give a little laugh because of how ridiculous it was at the time that it happened. I did LOVE those.

-The look of "Mister Boogie". It was creepy and scary, but we did NOT get to see enough of this!

-The sound and music were very well done too.

-The IDEA behind the movie was pretty darn good, but it had meh execution... c'est la vie.

Overall Rating

Overall, I give the movie a TWO out of FIVE...
or a THREE out of TEN.

It is interesting at parts with one or two jump scares, but it will overall leave you disappointed if you felt or heard the hype for this movie like I did.

Hope you enjoyed the review! If you disagree/agree, leave a comment below along with any other suggestions for Movies/Books/etc. to review!

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