Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Monster Calls

In the amazing story of A Monster Calls, Connor wakes up at seven minutes past midnight while he's having a nightmare. Looking out the window, he sees a monster, but this isn't the monster he's expecting to see...

This monster is something else.
At the beginning of the story, Connor's mother has cancer, but it's okay! She's on treatment that has been working pretty well so far...
so far...
but now it's not working as well as it used to. After his grandmother arrives, he finds out he'll have to live with her for a little bit at least.

With amazing illustrations that are both creepy and beautiful at the same time, A Monster Calls shows us a monster that is both monstrously ominous and alluringly natural.

This monster is something otherworldly. As the story progresses, the monster becomes more human. It always has thoughts and feelings and emotions, but it begins to look more human as Connor finds out that the ugliest monster isn't something he can see...
it's the truth.

Though I will keep the truth a secret, I can say that is easily one of the scariest truths possible for anyone of any age.

For it's beautiful illustrations and heart-wrenching story, I will gladly encourage any person of any age to read this book.

If someone you know or have known has ever had cancer or died from cancer, this book will especially touch you.

For the beautiful illustrations, the brilliantly devised characters, the heart-wrenching tearjerker story, and the questioning of one's own beliefs about what is right and wrong or good and evil...

I give this AMAZING story...

NINE out of TEN!
or if you prefer "5"s a FOUR out of FIVE!


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